For Babies
The Schnozzle(R) is the first nasal irrigation device designed for use on infants and children. It provides a breakthrough treatment option to enhance breathing for babies that cannot blow their own nose.
Clearing the nose is especially important for young babies that breathe primarily through the nose. In fact, the Schnozzle(R) was invented by a pediatrician to help babies in the E.R. who could not breathe well or feed well, even when their parents had attempted suctioning with devices at home with bulb syringes and other devices. Even suctioning in the ER was insufficient to relieve symptoms and was often traumatic and only of temporary relief. The ergonomic syringe form factor allowed irrigation fluid to be applied to the nose of a child by a doctor, nurse, RT or parent with similar success while also positioning the child.
Nasal secretions can interfere with breathing and feeding for young infants who are obligate nose breathers. Irrigation can be less traumatic than deep suction or even bulb suctioning that can cause trauma to the delicate nasal mucosa leading to bleeding or edema. Both of these suction techniques can further narrow an already compromised nasal opening.
And now the Schnozzle(R) is available to help you and your family too, without having to go to the hospital.
For Babies
The Schnozzle(R) is the first nasal irrigation device designed for use on infants and children. It provides a breakthrough treatment option to enhance breathing for babies that cannot blow their own nose.
Clearing the nose is especially important for young babies that breathe primarily through the nose. In fact, the Schnozzle(R) was invented by a pediatrician to help babies in the E.R. who could not breathe well or feed well, even when their parents had attempted suctioning with devices at home with bulb syringes and other devices. Even suctioning in the ER was insufficient to relieve symptoms and was often traumatic and only of temporary relief. The ergonomic syringe form factor allowed irrigation fluid to be applied to the nose of a child by a doctor, nurse, RT or parent with similar success while also positioning the child.
Nasal secretions can interfere with breathing and feeding for young infants who are obligate nose breathers. Irrigation can be less traumatic than deep suction or even bulb suctioning that can cause trauma to the delicate nasal mucosa leading to bleeding or edema. Both of these suction techniques can further narrow an already compromised nasal opening.
And now the Schnozzle(R) is available to help you and your family too, without having to go to the hospital.
For Kids
The Schnozzle(R) provides a treatment option to enhance breathing for big kids to relieve congestion from colds and allergies, as well as chronic care. It is breakthrough for those young children that cannot blow their own nose and are too big to wrestle with to suction with a bulb syringe (which is often inadequate, anyway), or perform self treatment. Of course, this includes both healthy young children as well as those with disabilities.
Older children are more likely to be cooperative when using nasal irrigation. Many kids like masteriing the skill and can perform the “fun” procedure themselves.
We frequently hear parents tell us that their children ask for the “purple nose thingie” the next time time they are sick because they remember how much better they felt when they were “schnozzled”. Really!
Many older kids like mastering the skill themselves and see the procedure as something “fun”.
With older kids you can begin to use larger volumes of irrigation fluid per flush and the older kids don’t need to positioned on their sides like babies. For teenage kids check out the information in the “adults” section.
Of course, keep out of the reach of small children when not using.
For Adults
Adults can use the Schnozzle(R) too. Since adult noses are bigger, so are the results!
The Schnozzle(R) worked so well on pediatric patients that many of the nurses, respiratory therapist and pediatricians working with the physician inventor started to use it themselves to relieve their own colds, allergic and sinusitis symptoms. They began to use it regularly on their own kids, grandkids, spouses and significant others with related issues.
For many adults and older children that had already used other nasal irrigation products, like neti-pots and squeeze bottles, the Schnozzle became their preferred go-to product. See what some of them said on our testimonial page.
Of course, larger noses require larger volume syringes. Adults benefit from a more ergonomic delivery technique with better control of the pressure, volume and flow compared to traditional nasal irrigation devices.
The Schnozzle(R) provides an effective and comfortable to control irrigation device that is easy to use: by anxious first time rookies; as part of a daily health maintenance routine in the home bathroom or shower; while traveling; and even to stay productive in the workplace.
That is why we say: “It is snot just for kids!” Try it out yourself…
sterile saline,
distilled salt water,
boiled salt water that has cooled.
Prepare nasal irrigation salt solution.
Use nasal saline packets from pharmacy.
Use correct concentration.
Fill the syringe.
Attach the adapter.
Only use 5ml or 10ml syringes
for small babies.
Always have suction available.
Always roll the child on their side.
Always flush only the upper nostril.
Use a steady single push over 2 -3 seconds. Suction the mouth as needed.
Repeat on the opposite side.
Always have the child rolled on their side.
Use a good steady push over 2 -3 seconds
Suction the mouth as needed.
Suction the nose as needed.
Watch the video and animations.
sterile saline,
distilled salt water,
boiled salt water that has cooled.
Prepare nasal irrigation salt solution.
Use nasal saline packets from pharmacy.
Use correct concentration.
Fill the syringe.
Attach the adapter.
Blow your nose.
Lean forward over a sink or in the shower.
Create a seal with the nasal adapter. .
Hold your breath.
Steadily push 30-60ml of fluid.
Repeat on the opposite side.
Breathe Better. Feel Better.
Children 2-10 years old:
Use 20 -30 ml of fluid.
Watch the video and animations.
Positive Pressure Expands the Nasal Passages.
Fluid and Nasal Secretions are then Displaced into the Nasopharynx and Around the Back of the Nasal Septum.
Fluid Exits Out the Other Side.

Tips for safety & Success
Safe Solutions
Start with safe solutions. Only use sterile saline or distilled water with proper amounts of salt added.
Distilled water and salt packets are available at your pharmacy and grocery stores. Distilling the water helps to filter out bacteria and other microorganisms so you don’t add any potentially dangerous microorganisms up your nose.

Everyone is different and nasal irrigation is not for everyone.
Do not use on anyone with craniofacial abnormalities including recent sinus surgery without the direct recommendation of a physician. Do not use on anyone with cardiac sensitivities including fainting.

Use 5-10 ml of sterile saline or distilled salt water for babies. The volume of the nasal cavity of a newborn is only about 3ml. Do not use more fluid than 10ml of fluid per flush on babies.
Use 20-30ml of fluid per flush for school aged children.
Use 30-60ml of fluid per flush for older children and adults.
The volume of the adult nasal cavity is approximately 30ml.

Using a syringe provides more precise control over the speed, volume and pressure of the fluid delivered.
Never force fluid into the nose. If there is any pain or resistance stop the procedure immediately..
If you feel dizzy or lightheaded,
stop the procedure immediately and sit in a chair or squat against a wall.

For babies and young children, always have a suction device available to help remove excess mucus at the end of the procedure from the mouth and nose.

Safe Position
Babies should ALWAYS be rolled on their side to prevent aspiration and choking. Do NOT position a child on their back during irrigation as fluid might fill up their oropharynx and lead to choking.
Adults should lean forward over a sink or in the shower to prevent making a mess.

This Schnozzle(R) is the first nasal irrigation device designed for use on infants and children.
It was initially designed by a Pediatric ER Physician for the treatment of babies and children in the hospital since bulb suctioning by parents was often inadequate and suctioning in the ER was often traumatic and of temporary relief. The ergonomic syringe form factor allowed irrigation fluid to be applied by a doctor, nurse RT or parent to the nose of a child while also positioning.
Big Kids can Schnozzle too! Schnozzle to relieve congestion from colds, or for chronic care.
Older kids are more likely to be cooperative (sometimes!) You can begin to use larger volumes and they don’t need to positioned on their sides like infants. Of course keep out of the reach of small chilrens with not using. Many kids like mastering the skill and can perform the “fun” procedure themselves. For teenage kids, check out the information under the “adults” section.
Adults can also use the Schnozzle too. Since adult noses are bigger so are results!
Of course larger noses require larger volume syringes. Adults benefit from a more ergonomic technique with better control of delivery volume and flow. This provides an effective and comfortable nasal irrigation device that is easy to use: by anxious rookies; as part of a daily maintenance routine in the home bathroom or shower; while traveling; and even to stay productive at the workplace.
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Watch the Videos Below
Baby Schnozzle Kit
- 10 ml Syringe
- 100 ml Saline Bottle
- 1 Schnozzle Adapter
- 3 oz Bulb Syringe
Big Schnozzle Kit
- 60 ml Syringe
- 2 Schnozzle Adapters
- 10 Saline Packets
- 1 Limited Edition Key Chain