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For Babies

The Schnozzle(R) is the first nasal irrigation device designed for use on infants and children. It provides a breakthrough treatment option to enhance breathing for babies that cannot blow their own nose.  

Clearing the nose is especially important for young babies, since they primarly breathe through the nose.  In fact,  the Schnozzle(R) was invented by a pediatrician to help babies in the E.R. who could not breathe well or feed well, even when their parents had attempted suctioning with devices at home with bulb syringes, oral suction and other devices.  Even suctioning in the ER was often insufficient to relieve symptom.  Also, suctioning was often traumatic and only provided temporary relief.  The ergonomic syringe form factor of the Schnozzle design overcomes these issues.  It allows a doctor, nurse, RT or parent to position a child while also applying irrigation fluid to the nose. This makes it possible to successfully clear the nose a child at home with similar outcomes as going to the hospital.. 

Nasal secretions can interfere with breathing and feeding for young infants who are obligate nose breathers.  Deep suction or even properly done bulb suctioning that can cause trauma to the delicate nasal mucosa  leading to bleeding or edema.  Both of these suction techniques can further narrow an already compromised nasal opening, worsening nasal obstruction.  Nasal irrigation provides deep cleaning of the nasal passages and while also avoids the trauma associated with the negative pressure of suction devices.  

And now the Schnozzle(R) is available to help you and your family too…  without having to go to the hospital!

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Designed to Keep Young Children Out of the Hospital

Read all instructions before use. 

Schnozzle for Babies

Flush Irrigation Fluid in One Side of the Nose.

Positive Pressure Expands the Nasal Passages.

Fluid and Nasal Secretions are then Displaced into the Nasopharynx and Around the Back of the Nasal Septum.

Fluid Exits Out the Other Side.


Use with safe solution such as:
sterile saline,
distilled salt water,
boiled salt water that has cooled.
Prepare nasal irrigation salt solution.
Use nasal saline packets from pharmacy.
Use correct concentration.
Fill the syringe.
Attach the adapter.

Only use 5ml or 10ml syringes
for small babies.
Always have suction available.
Always roll the child on their side.
Always flush only the upper nostril.
Use a steady single push over 2 -3 seconds. Suction the mouth as needed.
Repeat on the opposite side.
Always have the child rolled on their side.
Use a good steady push over 2 -3 seconds
Suction the mouth as needed.
Suction the nose as needed.

Watch the video and animations.

Always Have the Child Rolled on the Side.

Read all instructions before use. 

Recommended Volume

volume limit per syringe flush

5 - 10 ml



Tips for safety & Success

Follow the guidelines below to get healthier.

Safe Solutions

Start with safe solutions. Only use sterile saline or distilled water with proper amounts of salt added. 
Distilled water and salt packets are available at your pharmacy and grocery stores.  Distilling the water helps to filter out bacteria and other microorganisms so you don’t add any potentially dangerous microorganisms up your nose. 



Everyone is different and nasal irrigation is not for everyone. 

Do not use on anyone with craniofacial abnormalities including recent sinus surgery without the direct recommendation of a physician. Do not use on anyone with cardiac sensitivities including fainting. 



Use 5-10 ml of sterile saline or distilled salt water for babies.   The volume of the nasal cavity of a newborn is only about 3ml.   Do not use more fluid than 10ml of fluid per flush on babies.

Use 20-30ml of fluid per flush for school aged children. 

Use 30-60ml of fluid per flush for older children and adults. 
The volume of the adult nasal cavity is approximately 30ml.



Using a syringe provides more precise control over the speed, volume and pressure of the fluid delivered. 

Never force fluid into the nose.  If there is any pain or resistance stop the procedure immediately..   

If you feel dizzy or lightheaded,
stop the procedure immediately and sit in a chair or squat against a wall.




For babies and young children, always have a suction device available to help remove excess mucus at the end of the procedure from the mouth and nose.   


Safe Position

Babies should ALWAYS be rolled on their side to prevent aspiration and choking.   Do NOT position a child on their back during irrigation as fluid might fill up their oropharynx and lead to choking.

Adults should lean forward over a sink or in the shower to prevent making a mess. 

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Schnozzle? 

The Schnozzle(R) is an adapter that fits onto standard syringes (10ml for pediatric patients & 30 or 60ml for adults) designed to rinse debris or mucus from the nasal passages.  Some refer to it as a pediatric neti pot, but it can also be used for adults.


How does it work? 

The Schnozzle™ uses a sterile saline solution to flush the nasal passages clear of mucus that causes congestion and difficulty breathing. Simply attach the Schnozzle™ (purple adapter) to a syringe.  Push the fluid though the nose and out the other nostril with a gentle quick action.  See the Instructions For Use (IFU) for more specific recommendations regarding different age groups and contraindications.


Why is it used? 

The Schnozzle™ is for use on patients to help relieve upper respiratory tract symptoms associated with congestion such cough, difficulty breathing, discomfort and poor feeding in young children.


Does it create a spray or mist? 

The Schnozzle™ has a large opening and does not produce a spray.  The adapter attaches to a sterile saline syringe to create a seal on the opening of the nose.  The large adapter opening allows a steady stream of fluid to flood the nasal passages and flush out mucus.


Do you use different amounts of fluid for patients of different ages?

Yes.  For pediatric patients, use a 10 ml sterile saline syringe.  For adult patients, use a 30 or 60 ml syringe with sterile saline.


Does the syringe come with it? 

In the hospital setting, the syringe does not come with the Schnozzle™ because 10 ml flush syringes are readily available.  30 and 60 ml syringes that can be filled with sterile saline are also readily available.


Why does it have a luer lock? 

The luer lock allows a universal fit to standard syringes.  It also provides a safer more secure connection to help prevent the adapter from becoming dislodged during use.



Why isn’t the product made from a softer material? 

The Schnozzle™ ‘s solid firm design allows for a good seal against the nostril of pediatric and adult patients.  The firm plastic helps insure that a good seal will be made on the flexible nasal rim; whereas a flexible adapter on the flexible nasal opening would likely have gaps and make the device ineffective at sealing and flushing fluid.


What sizes are there? 

Because of the unique tapered design, one size fits any patient.


Why didn’t I think of that? 

Dunno, but aren’t you glad we did! 


Is it patented? 

The Schnozzle™ is patented and with additional patent(s) pending.


How is the Schnozzle™  different from a neti pot? 

The neti-pot uses gravity to move the saline thru the nasal cavity.  The Schnozzle™ uses positive pressure with a steady force to flush the nasal passages.  More pressure and more control is available when using the Schnozzle™ .  These features make it the preferred product for some people that have already used other products.  Also when using the Schnozzle™ , we recommend that it be used with safe pharmaceutical grade sterile saline in syringes that are readily available. This is more convenient, less risky and less complicated than having to make your own saltwater solution to use with a neti pot.


What is a neti pot?

A neti pot is an over the counter container designed to rinse debris or mucus from your nasal cavity. You might use a neti pot to treat symptoms of nasal allergies, sinus problems or colds. When using a neti-pot you, typically need to make your own saltwater solution with water that has been distilled or sterilized.


How fast do I flush?

After inserting the Schnozzle™ into the nose, push a continuous flow of saline through at a steady rate over about 3 seconds.  If you encounter resistance, stop.  Do not force.  Also, do not push small amounts of fluid intermittently as this is more likely to cause gagging.  The goal is to flush the nasal cavity. 


What kind of syringe do I use?

Pediatric patients use a 10ml sterile saline Luer lock syringe.  Adults use a 30 or 60 ml sterile saline Luer lock syringe. The threads on the adapter prevent it from slipping.

For premature or small for gestational age babies, please consult with a neonatologist prior to use.


Do you also flush the other side of the nose?

While flushing just once is very helpful, flushing both sides helps insure the best clearance of the residual mucus and debris that may have been loosened with the first flush.


Where does the fluid go?

 The fluid passes thru the nasal passages, around the nasal septum and through the nasal passages on the opposite side and exits the opposite nostril.



Where do I get sterile saline?

Your doctor can prescribe 10ml sterile saline syringes and sterile saline bottles.  At home, you can also use distilled water or water that has be previously boiled.


Can I use the Schnozzle for… ?

The Schnozzle™ is only indicated for nasal irrigation. 


How often should I use it?

The Schnozzle™ can be used as needed to help alleviate nasal congestion.  With acute symptoms, most patients experience relief with the initial treatment that unclogs the nasal passages and helps prevent further obstruction.  Afterwards, another treatment might be done on a daily or twice daily or as needed regimen for maintenance.


Who should not use the Schnozzle?

Do not use in patients with craniofacial abnormalities, impaired airway protection or vasovagal sensitivity without clearance from your medical provider.


What if I am using the Schnozzle(R) and encounter resistance pushing the syringe?

 Stop using the Schnozzle(R) if you encounter any resistance.  Never force it.


Where can I buy the Schnozzle(R)? 

Go to the ordering page for instructions.


Is it safe to use daily for allergies? 

Similar to a neti pot the Schnozzle™ can be used daily for allergies.


Won’t you drown the patient or cause them to aspirate? 

Nasal irrigation is already widely recommended and widely used with other over the counter products such as neti-pots.  By comparison, the Schnozzle™ only uses small amounts of fluid limited to the volume of the syringe.  The volume is limited during preparation and controlled during delivery.  Furthermore, the fluid passes from one side of the nose and exits the other.  The normal airway reflexes close the soft palate and protect the vocal cords and trachea from the mucus present before irrigation.  Likewise these same mechanisms work to protect the airway during irrigation. 

As additional precautions, it is always recommended that suction be available and that pediatric patients be turned on their side.  Contraindications include craniofacial abnormalities, impaired airway protection or vasovagal sensitivities.


What ages can use the Schnozzle? 

Infant thru adult.  Pediatric population use 10ml sterile saline syringe.  Adult use 30ml or 60ml sterile saline syringe.


Can I use the Schnozzle(R) on a patient with craniofacial abnormalities, unstable cardiac disease or an absent gag reflex? 

NO. These are all contraindications.


Does it hurt?

The Schnozzle(R) does not hurt.  For some it feels a bit uncomfortable at first, like getting water from the swimming pool in your nose. If you experience this sensation, blow your nose after use.  Releasing the mucus and fluid will alleviate symptoms.


Do you have any studies on whether fluid floods the Eustachian tube?

Nasal irrigation is widely performed with various over the counter devices, however we are not aware of any studies that have been done to evaluate this.  In general, fluid flushed in the nose is likely to go through the path of least resistance out the other nostril. Pre-suctioning patients before irrigation can help reduce the material burden and therefore the pressure needed.  Simultaneously suctioning when irrigating is another technique that might prevent diversion into the Eustachian tube but it  also cause collapse of the exit that can divert fluid into the ears.  Furthermore, not removing mucus and debris in the nasal passages may also cause eustachian tube complications. Likely, the Schnozzle is being used because these problems already exist.


What do you put in the syringe? 

We recommend that it be used with sterile saline.


Can it be used to do a nasal wash?

 Yes.  Nasal irrigation, nasal lavage and nasal wash all essentially describe the same procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions by Parents


How does it work?


The Schnozzle™ uses a sterile saline solution to flush the nasal passages clear of mucus that causes congestion and difficulty breathing. Simply attach the Schnozzle™ (purple adapter) to a syringe.  Push the fluid though the nose and out the other nostril with a gentle quick action.  See the Instructions For Use (IFU) for more specific recommendations regarding different age groups and contraindications.


Do you use different amounts of fluid for different ages?

Yes.  For pediatric patients, use a 10 ml sterile saline syringe.  For adult patients, use a 30 or 60 ml syringe with sterile saline.


How much fluid do you use for an infant?


For infants, use a 5-10 ml syringe of sterile saline, lay the patient on their side and insert the Schnozzle™ into the top nostril.  Always have suction available.  Push the fluid though the nose and out the other nostril with a gentle quick action.  Then suction the mouth and nose for any potential remaining fluid.  Position the child on their other side and repeat process.



How is the Schnozzle™  different from a neti pot?


The neti-pot uses gravity to move the saline thru the nasal cavity.  The Schnozzle™ uses positive pressure with a steady force to flush the nasal passages.  More pressure and more control is available when using the Schnozzle™ .  These features make it the preferred product for some people that have already used other products.  Also when using the Schnozzle™ , we recommend that it be used with safe pharmaceutical grade sterile saline in syringes that are readily available. This is more convenient, less risky and less complicated than having to make your own saltwater solution to use with a neti pot

What is a neti pot?


A neti pot is an over the counter container designed to rinse debris or mucus from your nasal cavity. You might use a neti pot to treat symptoms of nasal allergies, sinus problems or colds. When using a neti-pot you, typically need to make your own saltwater solution with water that has been distilled or sterilized.

How is the Schnozzle different from a Bulb Suction?


A bulb suction or bulb syringe is a suction device applying negative pressure to vacuum the nose.  The Schnozzle™ flushes with positive pressure.  Bulb suction devices can be difficult for parents and hospital personnel to use.  Parents are often afraid to use them and don’t coordinate the sequences of action properly. Bulb suction devices may be difficult to orient and difficult to create a good seal on the nasal opening.  They frequently only clear the superficial congestion near the nasal opening rather than the difficult to remove deep congestion.  The negative pressure of the bulb can cause a nasal valve effect with collapse of the nostril wall preventing suctioning of deeper contents.  Though bulb suction devices alone may not provide adequate suctioning thick mucus deep in the nasal passages, we recommend that they always be available to help remove fluid and secretions after flushing the nose of a pediatric patient.   


How is the Schnozzle different from a NoseFrida suction?


Similar to a bulb suction, the NoseFrida is a negative pressure suction device and only vacuums superficial congestion near the nasal opening.  It requires caregivers to place a tube in their mouth that they suck like a straw to create suction.  The Schnozzle™ uses positive pressure to flush fluid through the nasal passages.


How is the Schnozzle different from a Deep Suction?


Similar to a bulb suction, deep suction uses negative pressure to vacuum material.  On the other hand the Schnozzle™ uses positive pressure to flush fluid through the nasal passages.  During deep suction a catheter is inserted into a patient’s nose, turns through the nasal cavity, goes down the back of his throat to where the trachea splits to the lungs. Then suction is administered as it is withdrawn.  In reality the tubing often goes “deep” into the esophagus rather than the trachea.  Any part of this treatment can be somewhat traumatic to a patient and is often not well tolerated.  Furthermore the suction catheter’s removal is limited by the size of its narrow internal lumen and the small distal openings that must be in contact with the secretions in order to remove them.  The negative pressure from the suctioning can collapse the nasal passages and if done frequently, it can blunt the gag response.



Can I use the Schnozzle on Full-term Newborns?


Nasal secretions in newborns and neonates cause discomfort and cough, as well as interfere with breathing and feeding.  Newborns are obligate nose breathers, and can benefit significantly by efficient clearing of the nose. However, we do not recommend using the Schnozzle for children under 3 months without discussing with your healthcare provider, since newborns are more susceptible to changes in their vital signs.   We recommend only using 5-10ml sterile saline syringes at this age due to the increased susceptibility to infection.  Roll newborn on their side and insert the Schnozzle™ into the top nostril.  Always have suction available.  Push the fluid through the nasal passages in a steady continuous flush.  Then suction mouth for any potential remaining fluid.  Position the newborn on their other side and repeat process.  See IFU for contraindications.



How do I need to position the child?


For babies, lay them on their side and insert the Schnozzle  with a 5-10 ml syringe into the top nostril.  Push the fluid thru.  Have suction available.  Then suction their mouth for any potential remaining fluid.  Position the child on their other side and repeat process.  

Do you use it with suction?


It is recommended to always have suction available when using on babies.  pediatric After pushing fluid thru one nostril, suction the patient before turning.  Then repeat on other side.

What kind of suction do I use at home?


Bulb suction 


How fast do I flush?


After inserting the Schnozzle™ into the nose, push a continuous flow of saline through at a steady rate over about 3 seconds.  If you encounter resistance, stop.  Do not force.  Also, do not push small amounts of fluid intermittently as this is more likely to cause gagging.  The goal is to flush the nasal cavity. 


What size syringe do you use?

Use a 10ml sterile saline syringe for small babies.  Larger kids can use 20-30 ml syringes. Teens can use a 30 or 60 ml sterile saline syringe. 


How much volume do you use per flush?

Use a 10ml sterile saline syringe for babies. Larger kids can use 20-30 ml.  This can be used in a larger syringe such as a 50ml syringe; e.g. you could use 25 ml in one nostril and 25ml in the other nostril for a total of 50ml for the same syringe. Teens can use a 30 or 60 ml per flush. 


Ads use a 30 or 60 ml sterile saline syringe. For premature or small for gestational age babies, please consult with the neonatologist prior to use 


Do you also flush the other side of the nose?

While flushing just one side is very helpful, flushing both sides helps insure the best clearance of the residual mucus and debris that may have only been loosened with the first flush.


Where does the fluid go?


The fluid passes thru the nasal passages, around the nasal septum and through the nasal passages on the opposite side and exits the opposite nostril.

Where do I get sterile saline?


Your hospital should stock 10ml sterile saline syringes and sterile saline bottles.  If you do not work in a hospital, you can order from a standard medical distributor or pharmacy.


Do I need a second person?


The Schnozzle can be administered by one person or self-administered with a cooperative patient.  For small kids, it can be helpful to have another person to help position the child and/or simultaneously suction.


How often should I use it?


The Schnozzle™ can be used as needed to help alleviate nasal congestion.  With acute symptoms, most patients experience relief with the initial treatment that unclogs the nasal passages and helps prevent further obstruction.  Afterwards, another treatment might be done on a daily or twice daily or as needed regimen for maintenance.


What are the contraindications?


Do not use in patients with craniofacial abnormalities, impaired airway protection or vasovagal sensitivity. For children under 3 months discuss using with your health care provider.


What if I am using the Schnozzle and encounter resistance pushing the syringe?


Stop using the Schnozzle™ if you encounter any resistance.  Never force it.


Where can I buy the Schnozzle?


Go to the ordering page for instructions.


Is it safe to use daily for allergies?


Similar to a neti pot the Schnozzle™ can be used daily for allergies.


Won’t you drown the child or cause them to aspirate?


Nasal irrigation is already widely recommended and widely used with other over the counter products such as neti-pots.  By comparison with bottles, the Schnozzle only uses small amounts of fluid.  Furthermore, the fluid passes from one side of the nose and exits the other.  The normal airway reflexes close the soft palate and protect the vocal cords and trachea from the mucus present before irrigation.  Likewise these same mechanisms work to protect the airway during irrigation.  As additional precautions, it is always recommended that suction be available and that pediatric patients be turned on their side..  Contraindications include craniofacial abnormalities, impaired airway protection or vasovagal sensitivities.


Can I use the Schnozzle on a patient with craniofacial abnormalities, unstable cardiac disease a nasogastric tube or an absent gag reflex?


NO. These are all contraindications.


Does it hurt?


The Schnozzle does not hurt.  For some it feels a bit uncomfortable at first, like getting water from the swimming pool in your nose. If you experience this sensation, blow your nose after use.  Releasing the mucus and fluid will alleviate symptoms.


Do you have any studies on whether fluid floods the Eustachian tube?


Nasal irrigation is widely performed with various over the counter devices, however we are not aware of any studies that have been done to evaluate this.  In general, fluid flushed in the nose is likely to go through the path of least resistance out the other nostril. Pre-suctioning patients before irrigation can help reduce the material burden and therefore the pressure needed.  Simultaneously suctioning when irrigating is another technique that might prevent diversion into the Eustachian tube.  Furthermore, not removing mucus and debris in the nasal passages may also cause Eustachian tube complications. 


Is it disposable?


Yes, the Schnozzle™ is disposable. 


What do you put in the syringe?


We recommend that it be used with sterile saline.


Is the procedure sterile?


While we recommend that sterile saline be the fluid used with the Schnozzle™ , since the device is not sterile; therefore, the procedure is not sterile. Over the counter products such as neti-pots commonly use non-sterile products and require preparation from non-sterile tap water that must be boiled or distilled.  When using the Schnozzle™ as recommended, starting with sterile fluid that is readily available in hospitals is safer and more convenient.


Can I use the Schnozzle for a nasal wash?


Yes.  Nasal irrigation, nasal lavage and nasal wash all essentially describe the same procedure.





Ready To Schnozzle?

Below is the home configuration for Babies*.
*Older Children can use the adult version but should use a smaller volume of fluid. ​
Baby Schnozzle Kit



  • 10 ml Syringe
  • 100 ml Saline Bottle
  • 1 Schnozzle Adapter
  • 3 oz Bulb Syringe